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[Applied Energy]A novel short-term multi-energy load forecasting method for integrated energy system based on feature separation-fusion technology and improved CNN


  • 文章题目:基于特征分离融合技术与改进CNN的综合能源系统多能负荷预测
  • Key word: Integrated energy system Deep learning Multi-energy load forecasting Multi-task learning Convolutional neural network
  • 作者:Ke Li, Yuchen Mu, Fan Yang, Haiyang Wang, Yi Yan, Chenghui Zhang



  • 首先,基于静态图片像素点的分布规律将无明显规律的多能负荷数据点进行像素重构,使之在水平和竖直两个方向分别具有一定的关联特征。

  • 其次,采用特征分离—融合技术,基于信息价值差异,将输入特征分为两类进行差异化处理,并利用基于多尺度融合的改进CNN对重构后的三维负荷像素在高维空间内进行多尺度特征提取和融合。

  • 最后,将两类特征合并输入到以BiLSTM为共享层的多任务学习框架中,采用硬参数共享机制学习IES多能耦合信息。



• Propose a feature processing method based on information value differences.

• Propose an improved CNN based on multi-time scale fusion and reconstruct the original load data into a three-dimensional pixel matrix.

• Build a multi-task hard shared learning framework based on BiLSTM, innovatively adopting feature interpretation modules with different structures.

• The simulation results show that the winter daily WMA of the proposed model can reach 98.01%, and the RESD is as low as 0.0242.

